Category: Blog

June 04 2020

The Psychology of Risk

The Psychology of Risk Financial Sector What do you know outside of your conscious awareness? When it comes to making financial decisions do you know why you do what you do? The field of psychology has researched and tested many facets of the human mind and behaviour that drive the decisions we make. Within the […]

June 01 2020

Get Comfortable with Risk Management

Are you a financial risk taker? Do you enjoy an adrenaline kick when it comes to investments? A lot of the population would say no. Investment is all about risk. If you understand risk in its different forms, as an investor you will be better able to understand how to choose your opportunities to suit […]

June 01 2020

The Trick to Inspirational Leadership

Inspiration electrifies the soul. A boss can tell you what to do, but a leader can inspire you to do what’s needed because you want to and to the best of your ability. Who comes to mind when you think of an ‘inspirational leader’? The likes of Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, the […]

June 01 2020

6 Tips to Strengthen Your Time Management

“Tomorrow, noun; a mystical land where 99% of all human’s productivity, motivation, and achievement is stored.” Time is the most precious thing in life. When it comes to achieving your goals, how you use your time is everything. Time management is how you organize, plan, and exercise conscious control of the time you spend on specific […]

June 01 2020

You Are Your Habits

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Will Durant Creatures of habits is what we are. Whether you begin your day with checking the news or stock markets, replying to emails, munching on cookies and coffee, or cracking a joke with your co-worker, everything we do […]

June 01 2020

6 Keys of the Temperament of Success

How do great investors become great? How do they seem to always have the fortune to pick winning investments? What is it that sets them apart from the majority of us? An individual’s natural disposition affects the decisions that they make. It can essentially make all the difference between “winning” and “losing” investments. It doesn’t […]

June 01 2020

The Etiquette of Fine Dining

The rules for the polite and expected ways of fine dining may come natural to those born with a silver pacifier, but for the rest of us it can mean a state of awkward embarrassment upon entrance to the royal feast realm. It is important to follow the etiquette of table manners at a formal […]

June 01 2020

Are You Busy or Productive?

What is the difference between being busy and being productive? Contrary to the general assumption, they do not mean the same thing. Everyone knows someone whose work ethic and time management inspires us. You are left wondering how they manage to complete as much as they do with what looks like such ease. It comes […]

June 01 2020

What Makes for a Good Investment?

When you think of a “good” investment, what comes to mind? Contrary to the what most people think, there is no magical business you can pick out of the market and expect to become a millionaire over the night.  Investors are not traders. Investments take time. The process of looking for a business to invest […]

June 01 2020

What You Should Know About Business Partnerships

Before your business takes flight what should you do? Select the most suitable business structure. To create your mammoth of a success, you will need everything from resources to the right decision makers. A business partnership might just be the right thing. Two pillars are better than one, they say. Why would you choose a […]